Course Catalog

(select a course category to see course details)

Theology Courses

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Have you ever wondered if angels still work to help believers? Or have you wondered how Satan uses his demons to disrupt our lives and the work of the church? Do you hear strange stories about people who think they have been “touched by an angel?” Just as in any other area of theology, we need to think biblically about these spirit creatures and their capabilities and involvement in our world. This course examines what the Bible says about the appearance of angels, guardian angels, fallen angels (demons), demonic exorcism, Satan and his role, and the ranks of angelic orders including the archangels, cherubim and seraphim. Extensive notes are provided for your study beyond the class.
This course will explain the age old question, 'What is man?' Come and learn the true view of mankind's origin, value and purpose that is written in the Word of God.
Bibliology 1 & 2
This course will develop and explain general and special revelation, the doctrines of inspiration, inerrancy, canonicity, cessation, translation, preservation, clarity, sufficiency and the authority of Scripture.
This course will focus on the humanity, deity, and character of our Lord Jesus Christ. The biblical teaching about the full deity and full humanity of Christ has been an extensive study from the earliest times in the history of the church. Explore and learn what it means that Jesus Christ was fully God and fully man in one person.
Ecclesiology 1 & 2
What is the Church and what exactly is her mission? When was the Church born? Who is the head of the Church? How should the Church be govern biblically? This course will give you a biblical foundation to answer all of these questions and learn what God has written about the character and direction of His Church.
Eschatology and Revelation
The Scriptures testify to the critical importance of the doctrine future things. This course will give you an informed biblical outlook on the future of the Church, Israel and the world. Where is history headed? Is there a Millennial Kingdom and if so what is it?
This course will teach the definition, origin, devastation and effects of sin upon God's universe and explore the problem of evil.
Pentecostal and Charismatic Theology
This course will focus on the origin, beliefs and practices of the Pentecostal/Charismatic movement. Come and learn what one of the biggest movements in Christendom is really about and where it is going. Should you be concerned if someone is in this movement? How are we to view this movement today?
This course will focus on the third person in the Trinity, the Holy Spirit. What exactly is the Holy Spirit's role in salvation, sanctification and glorification? How are we to respond to the Holy Spirit? What does it mean to be led by the Holy Spirit?
Principles of Interpretation / Hermenutics
This course will explore the rules/science of interpretation of the Word of God. Come and learn how to mine the depths of Scripture to understand God clearly in what He has written.
Puritan Theology
Who were the Puritans? What did they believe? Why does this matter today? Puritan theology has as its focus the glory of God through the exaltation of Jesus Christ. There has yet to be a body of theology that has surpassed Puritan theology in depth and devotion to the Triune God. Today their teachings are even more relevant to the church, edifying to the soul and glorifying to God. Please join us for Puritan theology to explore the priceless and God glorifying teaching of these godly, Spirit-filled men. "Ministers never write or preach so well as when under the cross; the Spirit of Christ and of glory then rests upon them. It was this, no doubt, that made the Puritans" (George Whitfield).
The Word of God prioritizes sanctification. Its pages are teeming with practical exhortations and theological explanations on this doctrine. In this course we will define what sanctification is, why it is needed, what hinders sanctification in the life of the believer and how to grow in sanctification.
Soteriology 1 & 2
What is salvation? Who does the saving? What is the process of salvation? What is God's role and man's role in salvation? This course will answer those questions and many more concerning the salvation by God of fallen mankind.
Theology Proper

This course will explore the character, person and attributes of our great and almighty God. Please join us as we EXPLORE THE VASTNESS OF GOD!
The study of God, The existence of God, His nature and glory, His greatness , His goodness and The Trinity.

Ministry Courses

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Deacon Class
This course will provide a biblical view of what it means to be a Deacon in Christ's church. If you have a desire to serve in this office or you have been thinking about it this class is for you.
Eldership Class
What is an elder? What exactly do they do? How should I respond to an elder in the Church? What makes a good pastor/elder? This course will answer those questions and many more concerning God's charge to His under-shepherds.
Leadership Class
This course will explain and teach the biblical DNA of leadership that God desires in and for His Church.
What does it look like to go into all the earth and proclaim the gospel? This course examines the importance of the Great Commission and roles of the individual believer and the church in local and global missions.
Personal Discipleship
The Personal Discipleship class is designed to better equip you for discipleship. The class will provide a framework for understanding the process of spiritual change and will be personally enriching as you seek to be conformed to Jesus Christ. You will also be helped to think through the process of helping others understand the lifelong process of faith and repentance.
Preaching and Preaching Lab
Learn the means and methods of expository preaching and teaching from a pulpit and Sunday school class setting. The lab continuation of this course provides students the opportunity to prepare and deliver a sermon and receive feedback for content and delivery. This course series encourages students to learn how to deliver a biblical message that glorifies God and exalts Jesus Christ.
Spiritual Warfare
The fact remains people tend to resist difficult subjects, and one of the most neglected and challenging topics of the Christian life is ‘Spiritual Warfare’. Christians today take the rosy and naïve view of the Christian life epitomized by some Christian postcards: adorable baby chickens pictured on the front and John chapter three verse sixteen printed on the back. These believers imagine a life with Christ without serious difficulty or temptation. This is a wrong impression of the Christian walk that ignores the reality of spiritual conflict. Yes, charming baby birds are part of the world God created, but so is the hawk, who is able to swoop down on little chicks and capture them as prey. You’re in a serious battle! The question is, are you awake? Are you alerted to the enemies you face? If you claim to know the Savior and you know nothing of this battle, you’re in serious trouble. Don’t you think it is time to take up the matter of spiritual warfare and take a closer look at how you are faring in the good fight of faith? In this crucial study, we will explore the historical context of this continuous conflict. Then, survey some cultural and philosophical hindrances to spiritual warfare, also probing its theological and spiritual foundations. Along the way, we will examine three basic strategic principles for fighting the spiritual battle, for the purpose of standing firm in the truth.
Women's Class
The focus is on preparing to lead and serve in a women's ministry in a local church. An overview of women's ministry, developing relationships and discipleship counseling.

Bible Courses

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Acts & Major Pauline Epistles
This is a survey of the birth and life of the early church. In addition, we will explore the epistles of Paul to learn the themes, key issues and commands of the Holy Spirit inspired letters to the churches.
Early Church History
Christianity did not come to a complete stop after the Apostles went home to our Lord. In this course you will learn about the disciples of the Apostles how God used them to build on the foundation that Christ laid for His Church. Who is Clement of Rome, Polycarp, Justin Martyr etc.? What were the issues that the early church faced?
General Epistles
James, 1st & 2nd Peter, 1st, 2nd & 3rd John, and Jude are letters written to the entire Church abroad. In this class we will explore how to live practically as a Christian, the tests of eternal life and how to survive in an age of apostasy. Come and learn the exhortations, clarity on doctrinal issues and imperatives in these inspired letters.
Hebrew Poetry

This survey of the poetic books of the Old Testament (Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes & The Song of Solomon) will provide an interpretive framework by examining the major themes, interpretive issues, and literary structure of these books.

Historical Books 1 & 2
This course will provide a biblical survey of the following Old Testament historical books: Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1&2 Samuel and 1&2 Kings. Join us as we discover cherished theological and doctrinal truths in the Old Testament.
Land of the Bible
In this course we will take you to the places where real events in the Bible happened. Come and explore the landscape where miracles and prophecy unfolds to the glory of God.
Last 500 Years of Church History

An in-depth look at the last 500 years of Church History beginning with the English Reformation and going through the rise of the modern evangelical movement. Through this study you will gain a deeper insight on the broad theological impact of the Reformation and how God sovereignly, both past and present, continues to shape, preserve and direct His Church. A few of the topics to be considered in this class will be, How the Reformation impacted England and Scotland, Who are the Puritans, How Christianity came to the New World, The History of the English Bible, The Great Awakenings, Liberalism and Denominationalism, The History of Modern Missions, Cults, Cultural Christians and Charismatics, Fundamentalism and the birth of the New Evangelical Movement.

Life of Christ
This course will place you in the sandals of Christ to walk through a chronological and biblical look at our Lord's life. Come, explore and learn the historical events of the life of our Savior and Son of God.
Major Prophets
This course on the major prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations Ezekiel and Daniel) will teach you the context of the book, historical events and future things to come. Please join us to unfold God's prophecies that speak of Christ and His future plans.
Minor Pauline Epistles
Philippians, Colossians, 1&2 Thessalonians, 1&2 Timothy, Titus and Philemon are small books but are essential letters to the Church then and now. Come and learn the exhortations, commands and clarity on doctrinal issues in these minor Pauline epistles.
Minor Prophets

Most Christians go through the whole of their life seldom hearing about the ‘Minor Prophets.’ There is even a smaller number who have actually studied them. As a result, many have never discovered, the wealth of knowledge, found within their message. The ‘Minor Prophets’ wrestle with things like; “What the people are to understand of the nature of God’s love,” and “What are we to make of the evil God allows in the world?” As well as, “How can a person identify hypocrisy within one’s own heart?” In this significant study, we will investigate the definition of a prophet, explore the historical framework in which the prophets operate, and probe a hermeneutical method for studying the 'Minor Prophets.' All this will be accomplished while taking a ‘Jet Tour’ through three or four of the 'Minor Prophets.'

Poetry Books
This course will provide a biblical survey of the following Old Testament poetry books: Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon. Join us as we discover cherished theological, practical and doctrinal truths in the Old Testament.
The Pentateuch
This course is the study of the first 5 books of Moses with an emphasis on understanding God's plan for redemptive history from the beginning. Join us as we discover cherished theological and doctrinal truths in the Old Testament.
The Ten Commandments

This course will attempt to eliminate much of the confusion that surrounds the subject of the ‘Law of God’.  When you read through scripture and it is referring to the ‘Law of God’, what is it referring?”

Other relevant questions come to mind, like, “What laws have been abrogated?” “Is the Mosaic law in force today?” “Are Christians under law or grace?”  “Which laws should Christians be concerned?” “What law does the Christian live under?”

The teaching time will endeavor to wrestle with these questions while examining the ‘Ten Commandments’ in their past and present historical setting and scriptural context. Each Commandment will be individually examined along with an eye to their contemporary application.

Religion / Apologetics Courses

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Come and learn the history, methodology and tools for defending the faith. This course will help you to recognize error and shine truth so that the God will be glorified and the hearers may be delivered.
Creeds and Councils
Everyone Christian professes they believe in God. The question is what do we believe about God? In order to combat false teaching that strayed from sound doctrine, the church found it necessary to formulate councils and creedal statements in order to guard against heresy. Please join us as we study the creeds and councils that have guarded and maintained the precious truths about the triune God we hold dear today.
Doctrines of Grace
The ‘Doctrines of Grace’ have in time past, been historically referred to as The Five Points of Calvinism. It has received over time some sever attacks and given a bad name. However, the question that one must raise is this, “Is it Biblical Doctrine?” In other words, can we go to the Scripture and make a case? The Doctrines of Grace are not easy truths, quickly grasped and immediately accepted. That is why they need to be studied over and over again, until one is convinced, by a proper handling of the Word of God that these are Biblical doctrines. If fact, there is no such thing as preaching Christ and Him crucified unless we preach, ‘The Doctrines of Grace’. In this important study, we will explore the historical situation which pushed these doctrines into the spotlight, while examining the scriptural support and practical implications for each of the points.
We are commanded by our Lord Jesus Christ to "make disciples of all the nations... teaching them to observe all that [He] commanded". This course will teach you the methods and ways to evangelize a lost world and how to challenge objections.
Overview of the Reformation
This course will provide an overview of the people, events, and doctrinal issues that shaped the Protestant Reformation and its legacy.
Roman Catholicism vs Protestantism
This course will compare Roman Catholic and Protestant doctrines (through redemptive history) to expose the deceptive errors that erode the gospel of Christ. Also, to equip the saints in how to properly witness to those in Roman Catholicism.
Understanding Islam and Evangelizing Muslims
From the daily news to a trip through the neighborhood, you can’t help but notice the increasing presence of Muslims. This class will help you to understand the history, doctrines, and practices of Islam, and equip you to defend your faith and proclaim the gospel to your Muslim neighbors and co-workers. The extensive notes will be an invaluable resource as you introduce them to the true God.